
Oct 10, 2015
By Fan Zhang

Fcitx is a popular Chinese input method engine (IME) suggested by ArchWiki. Fcitx is awesome but every time I (re)install Arch Linux on my boxes, I had trouble getting fcitx to work out of the box -- pacman -Syu fcitx-im doesn't give you a working IME. I guess a major facet making the installation and configuration so tricky is that fcitx doesn't provide an all-in-one configuration tool (I guess for good reason though), so as an user you will have to manually put various configuration snippets at several different places. Moreover, before getting all of them right, fcitx just won't work, which makes debugging even more frustrating. So, this short note serves as a memo for myself and hopefully can help others run into the similar troubles.


Before installing fcitx, you'll need proper fonts installed. ArchWiki (e.g. this page) has a comprehensive guidance for doing this.


Once the necessary fonts are correctly installed, which can be verified by checking if your browser can render Chinese characters correctly when you go to or so on, we can proceed to the installation of fcitx.

Okay, basically there are three pieces of software to be installed: the fcitx itself, one or more IMEs of your choices (e.g. I like fcitx-googlepinyin) and a couple of input method engines for various toolkits (gtk2, gtk3, etc.). For convenience, they can be installed as a bundle by group fcitx-im. I also installed a GUI configuration tool (fcitx-configtool), which is not mandatory but makes my life a little bit easier.

pacman -Syu fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-im  fcitx-configtool


As I said, there are multiple pieces of configuration to be tweaked. Before getting all of them right, fcitx will not work.

First, you need to register those input method modules before using them. Depending on you choice of display manager, add the following lines to your startup script file to. Use .xprofile if you are using KDM, GDM, LightDM or SDDM. Use .xinitrc if you are using startx or Slim.

# .xprofile or .xinitrc
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx

Second, if your locale is en_US.UTF-8, IME for Chinese will not be activated by default. You'll get a notice by fcitx-dianose command like this:

## Input Methods:
    1.  Found 1 enabled input methods:
    2.  Default input methods:
        **You only have one input method enabled, please add a keyboard input method as the first one and your main input method as the second one.**

In my case, I managed to add google-pinyin using fcitx-configtool. Simply launch the GUI program and add input methods as you like and re-login.

Use fcitx

Believe it or not, figuring out how to switch to Chinese input mode consumed the most of my time in this process. One correct way of doing this is to press Ctrl-Space while focusing on an input field. If a little widget shows up, you're all set. Otherwise, which is highly likely, please proceed to the next section :)


Fcitx provided nice tools for troubleshooting. However, before getting to the correct way of debugging, please be advised not to fall into the following pitfall as I did:

If you're using a desktop environment that happens to a system tray, don't expect an icon there for fcitx (although many other IMEs do have system tray icons). For unknown reasons, fcitx doesn't display a system tray icon in my case, which confused me a lot because I expect that icon to appear to indicate fcitx is working properly. Long story short: never try to find a system tray icon.

The most adorable thing from an user's point of view is fcitx-diagnose. This is a small diagnose program coming with fcitx package, which does not only provide informative diagnosis but also quick fix tips. Whenever you're not sure if you're doing things right (e.g. when you can't find a system tray icon), just run fcitx-diagnose and check out the red bold errors.


I found ArchWiki page on fcitx super informative.